Le Trafic Des Ossements Humains (Human Bones Trafficking)
The trafficking of human bones, which has existed for more than two thousand (2000) years, is a formidable mystery in Africa. After a thorough investigation and inquiries in Sub-Saharan countries, the mystery is solved. Suppliers, sellers, buyers and consumers of human bones are discovered. The safest way to traffic human bones is to grind them into powder to avoid the police, the gendarmerie and justice. In a circle totally closed by purchasing codes, the sinews of war are the subject of union and disunion. The selling price of each type of bone is determined by the expected result in the spiritual world by using them for mystical and ritual purposes. Even the Catholic church uses them. And the most effective is the use of bones from the fingers and toes of a living being called a consensual sale.
From Genesis to Revelation in the Bible, human bones are used twenty three times, even though the law sanctions and forbids these practices.
But in all this, only one question remains, can the law prevent deities and fetishes from surviving by forbidding them to consume human bones? One thing remains certain, between the law and deities, either of them must submit.